The Education Development Centre continues working with third-country nationals by organising Latvian language courses and conversation clubs.
Purpose of the project “SaRuNaLV or To come to an understanding, to speak for future in Latvia”, No. PMIF/13.2./2023/1/02, is to organise Latvian language courses and conversation clubs for citizens of third-countries by expanding the availability of possibilities of acquirement of Latvian language and adapting them to the needs of various groups.

During the span of 30 months of the project, it is planned to organise training classes of Latvian language (in the volume of 120 hours) for 33 groups in full-time and remote mode and conversation clubs for various levels of language skills (A and B).
Along with the language courses and clubs, the trainees will receive consultations, be able to participate in common on the spot closing events, thus expanding opportunities for the use of language in daily communication together with Latvian-speaking persons and immediate family members. Training will be organised remotely or in person. Within the framework of the project, graduates will be provided with the option to pass the state language examination at the National Centre for Education. Target group of this project includes also participation of young people aged from 13 to 25 years.
The project “SaRuNaLV or To come to an understanding, to speak for future in Latvia” is being implemented within the framework of the European Union’s Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund 2021-2027 Planning Period and jointly funded by the European Union (75%) and the state budget of Latvia (25%).
In January and February, we are beginning to form Latvian language training groups at A1, A2 and B1 levels. Third-country nationals are called to register for training here. Next groups will be formed in August 2025.
In 2025, we are also launching A and B level Latvian language Talk Clubs Mondays (B level) on the IAC premises at 34a Dzirnavu Street, Riga from 20.01 and Wednesdays (A level) at 32 Aspazijas Blvd, from 15.01.
Please apply by sending your name and surname to the e-mail: More details will follow after your application.
This year within the project is closed by graduation of 7 groups and granting A1, A2, B1 and C1 level certificates to 77 students. Volume of training at these levels amounted to 120 hours during the period from September to December 2024 both onsite and remotely, as well as consultations were organised as necessary for the students to be able to additionally ascertain what they wanted to know, clarify uncertainties, improve any of their language skills. More than 110 students started training in these groups in September.
Summarisation of the assessment questionnaire at the conclusion of the training shows that more than a half of the respondents (55.7%) have received information on the possibility to attend the training from friends, acquaintances and family members, the rest of them have received information on the website (~18%), on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Telegram etc.). Respondents have indicated the following countries of nationality: Albania, the United States of America, Belarus, Philippines, India, Japan, Canada, Kazakhstan, Korea, Russia, China, Libya, Moldova, Nepal, Nigeria, Singapore, Syria, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela, Vietnam, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Opinion of participants regarding the usefulness of the training was measured by asking the question: “Was participation in the training useful in this area?”, where the respondents were offered to assess five areas: integrating into the labour market, learning the official language of Latvia, improving relationship with the local residents/communities and taking active participation in the society, the area of housing and health. All the respondents indicate that participation in the Latvian language training turned out to be useful in two or more of the offered areas.
Majority of the respondents consider that their knowledge after attending the Latvian language training has improved. 96.62% of the respondents on average have responded that their language knowledge have improved or improved significantly. This includes each of the language skills individually: 98,65% of the respondents have indicated on improvement or significant improvement of their speaking and reading skills; 97.30% – on improvement of their listening skills; the respondents give the lowest grade to their writing skills: improvement or significant improvement of writing skills is pointed out by 91.89% of the respondents.
We participate, speak Latvian, listen, ask, find out and show activity… These words could characterise the format and content of the Latvian language Talk Club implemented by the IAC this autumn.
Topics of the Talk Club were chosen by ascertaining the wishes and needs of the participants. Novelty of this autumn – organisation of educating excursions and meeting with interesting personalities. Within the context of the topic “Sports and Health”, participants of the club met Mihails Kudrjaševs, runner of long-distance marathons. That was a great opportunity to find out interesting facts, ask, comment and tell about their own sports activities.
Wish list of the participants of the Talk Club contains also the traditional autumn celebration days included in the annual calendar. Michaelmas was familiarised through the acquisition of information on the traditional dishes and the typical celebrating traditions. Through the familiarisation of the Michaelmas beliefs, we forecasted weather in late autumn and winter. Learning the programme of the Michaelmas events raised huge interest. It turned out that participants of the club had attended both the fairs and the Michaelmas concerts, and events for children. Whereas, on the eve of the St. Martin’s Day, folklorist Ieva Bērziņa will visit the Talk Club. The event will include both singing, plays and St. Martin’s Day’s bacon rolls. Of course, in an event like this, participants share folklore traditions of their countries telling about the autumn festivities and their celebration.
At the end of September, we went to observe and get familiarised with Alberta Street. There was a large number of surprises, because, in our daily routine, we do not look up and do not use our time to observe the vicinity. We started our activities of November by enjoying arts – we attended the National Museum of Art and, following the narrative of our guide, we found out a great deal of new information both about the building of the museum, and works of art, and the artists.
It is interesting to find out, share, and meet. But the main thing is to understand that Latvian language skills help us fit in the society and cultural processes.
A new semester of studies has begun, at the end of August and beginning of September 2024, we have launched training of 7 groups, providing more than 100 third-country nationals with the opportunity to learn Latvian language. Various levels of training are available in these groups: A1, A2 and B1 level in two groups and C1 level in one group. Three groups study onsite on the IAC premises, four groups – remotely on the Zoom platform. Students will complete training by the end of this year. Within the framework of the project, 169 students in 15 groups have completed the training at various levels in the total volume of 120 hours so far, and 134 of them have been provided with the opportunity to pass the official language knowledge test. Along with the training classes in the total volume of 120 hours, we also provide every group with consultations and participation options in the Latvian language training groups, as necessary.
Next Latvian language groups will start at the end of August 2024 and September, they will be organized at the level A1, A2, B1 and C1 level. We invite you to apply by filling in the questionnaire here.
We have finalized another learning stage: at the end of June all the groups that started learning Latvian language, in the amount of 120 hours at the beginning of 2024; therefore, at this moment, within the project we have organized already 15 groups, already 168 third country nationals have finalized learning in them. Upon end of the learning, approximately 80% of students used the opportunity to take the state language proficiency test at the National Centre for Education (VISC), more than 60% of them pass the test successfully. Admittedly, this year the state language proficiency test has changes both in its form, and content, that proved to be difficult for more students than before: each language skill (reading, writing, listening and speaking) is to be known well enough to pass the test, tasks need to be done on a computer, conversations take place online - all that takes getting used to. We observe that for the most part the students do not receive the necessary amount of points in one of the parts- writing; therefore, do not pass the test. Teachers encourage the students to learn diligently and also do the homework that shall be submitted on time; however, not always the students pay enough attention to that during the course.
For the purpose of improving and practicing speaking skills, EDC offers “Conversation clubs” at the A and B level. On May of this year the clubs ended, we organized them in the amount of 40 hours from October 2023 until May 2024 and anyone that learned Latvian language in person or remotely, had the chance to practice language in person with their friends, acquaintances and other group members. Overall 106 third country nationals took place in the “Conversation clubs”, some of them more actively- others, less actively. Teachers Erika (Ērika) and Inara (Ināra) managed to involve students in various interactive activities and conversations, where the topics (especially at a B level) were planned beforehand, according to the interests and recommendations of the participants, as well as coordinated with the topics that are included in the speaking part of the state language proficiency test.
We will resume “Conversation club” lessons in the fall.
Despite the fact that most of the activities have ended, on June 17 students started their lessons at a A1 level- summer and the wish to rest to these third country nationals was not an obstacle to learn the language. We wish them the luck to learn up until November!
Next Latvian language groups will start at the end of August 2024 and September, they will be organized at the level A1, A2, B1 and C1 level. We invite you to apply by filling in the questionnaire here.
On June 15 of this year at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia end-of-season event was organized for the participants, family members, friends and teachers of the projects. The event was well attended, 65 adults and 10 children participated. During the introductory part of the event, when searching answers to the questions of the quiz, they got to know the various district households, household items and other objects of the museum. Then meeting at the household of the Courland district, awarding of the winners of the quiz with sweets and a celebratory feast took place. It was a lovely gathering, because the participants of the project had the chance to meet the project team, teachers and group members, chat, have a nice walk in the prime of nature near the city, make friends, taste traditional Latvian dishes.| During the further part of the event we participated in the summer solstice, locally called Jāņi, activities of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia. There was an opportunity to take part in wreath making workshop, as well as sing, dance and take part in games with the folk group „Kokles”. | The weather was spoiling us, we had the chance to learn, experience and take part in all activities. Thank you to all the participants! Thank you to all that showed interest in Latvian culture and solstice traditions!
You are welcome to the onsite last lessons Conversation Clubs on the EDC premises at 34a Dzirnavu Street, Apt. 8, Riga:
- on 8, 15, 29 May for Level A
- on 9 May for Level B
Within the framework of the project, classes for 10 groups of 120 hours were completed in April, we have offered them in various language levels according to the demand of participants: three A1 groups, two A2 and B1 groups each, one B2 and one C1 group. In total, the training course was completed by 108 third-country nationals. Test of original language skills was organised for 91 students. 77 third-country nationals have commenced training in 5 groups since February.
Within the framework of the training course or after completion thereof, language using skills can be strengthened by participating in the Conversation Language Clubs: Level A and B onsite Conversation Clubs on the IAC premises Wednesdays or Thursdays. You are welcomed to join the clubs in May: at Level A – on the 8, 15 and 29 May at 18:00, and at Level B – on the 9 at 17:30. For more details, please write at or call +371 26335521!
We are planning to commence classes with fresh groups in August 2024. We are calling third-country nationals to register for training here
You can apply for Latvian language learning groups here:
Next groups at levels A and B will be organised from February 2024. Subject to availability!
You are welcome to the onsite Conversation Clubs on the EDC premises at 34a Dzirnavu Street, Apt. 8, Riga.
- Conversation Club for Level A participants takes place Wednesdays from 18:00– 20:00 as of 4 October. Apply at:
We meet every other Wednesday on
1, 15, 29 November
13 and 27 December
10 and 24 January
7 and 21 February
6 and 20 March
3 and 17 April
1, 15, 29 May
12 and 26 June
- Conversation Club for Level B participants takes place Thursdays from 18:00–20:30. First meeting to be held on 23 November, and further every other Thursday until 9 May next year. Apply at:
We are looking forward to see you, too! This is an opportunity to use in practice the skills learnt in the classes for communication with other persons beyond the training group.
Project budget during the implementation period from 1 August 2023 to 31 January 2026 has been estimated in the amount of EUR 524 187,65 .
Project team:
Iveta Vērse (Director of the EDC)
Linda Kluša (Project Manager)
Aija Kalve (Pedagogical Manager)
Līga Puniņa (Training Coordinator)
Aija Rusiņa (Accountant and HR Specialist)
Danute Grīnfelde (Information Technology Support Coordinator)