A new situation – a new learning experience

A new situation – a new learning experience

22/02/2021 / Publiced by: Linda Kluša, IAC

Time is running out and it has been a month since the training began. We are doing  distance learning. Therefore, the question of how the trainees feel and what are their conclusions about learning the state language remotely is important. In order to get answers to this question, the thoughts of B level learners of the state language were heard.

When evaluating distance learning the trainees point out the following advantages:

  • Teachers prepare and send teaching materials for studies.
  • Teachers correct homework and write comments. It creates a presence effect and helps to understand mistakes.
  • There is no need to spend resources and time on face-to-face training.
  • It is possible to be at home and look after children.
  • It provides a feeling of security while protecting oneself from Covid-19  

The following negative aspects of distance learning were also mentioned:

  • There is less time left for developing speaking skills.
  • The shy students do not always muster up the courage to ask questions.
  • It is possible to disable the camera and microphone if the student does not want to get involved.
  • It is difficult to motivate oneself to work hard when children or other family members are around you.
  • Sometimes the Internet fails.

We wish to meet and learn together. The students lack the joy of meeting, the opportunity to go to a cafe together in the meantime or just talk. 

LV karog8

Projekts (Nr.PMIF/6/2020/3/02 ) tiek īstenots  Eiropas Savienības Patvēruma, migrācijas un integrācijas fonda 2014.-2020. gada plānošanas perioda ietvaros ar Eiropas Savienības (75%) un Latvijas valsts budžeta (25%) finansējumu.  Projekta kopējās izmaksas 275 520,71 eiro.